Monday, January 25, 2016

Learning Challenges

After watching those two videos it makes me realize how much time I waste, but is it really wasting time if I'm making memories with my friends? There are many jelly beans I've spent at home doing nothing with the people I love. I wouldn't count those days as productive but then again I wouldn't regret most of them.
I am a huge procrastinator (which you've already figured that out, I'm sorry). The advertisements of half finished projects is mostly how my life goes. I love knitting and crocheting, and I've been doing it since I was about 8 years old. In those 13 years I have started over one hundred scarves, hats, blankets and more and I have finished three.

One thing that I really need to work on more is time management. I feel like if I start planning things out then everything will fall together better and instead of having a little bit of free time a day I will have a lot of jelly beans to spare for fun things!

1 comment:

  1. That is one thing that I was told before i got to college was that time management was EVERYTHING. And boy did I learn that the first round of exams my freshmen year. I thought I could study the night before of course so i spent the rest of my time before that jacking around and hanging out with friends not worrying about studying and all of a sudden i find myself the night before my test cramming everything into my brain and having to do other stuff for other classes as well that I didn't even realize I had simply because I wasn't using enough time on school.
