Thursday, February 4, 2016

Week 3: Reading Diary continued: Homers Odyssey

Reading B 

Ghost of Erebus 
Odysseus made the sacrifices upon arrival at the House of Hades and prayed to the god. Around the ship were the ghosts of all the dead and it started to scare Odysseus and his men so they made another sacrifice.
The Ghost of Elpenor and Teiresias
They soon saw Elpenor, who asked them to go back to the house of Circe and burry his body out of respect. Odysseus also saw his mothers ghost who was alive at the time he left his home. Teiresias gave them instruction on what to do on their journey home and Odysseus agreed to doing it, and then asked about how he can talk to his mother.
The Spirit of Anticleia
Odysseus speaks to his mother and asks her about everyone back home. She says they are okay, but heart broken without Odysseus. He asked his mother how she died and she told him that she simply died because she couldn't take the pain of him being gone any longer.
The Ghost of Famous Women 
Odysseus talked to many women who had children with god like Poseidon and Zues or daughter of such gods.
The Ghost of Agamemnon
Agamemnon told the men the story of how he died. He was brutally murdered by his wife and he asked Odysseus if he could tell him if his son is still alive. Odysseus said that there is no way for him to know if he is alive or dead.
The Spirit of Achilles 
Odysseus told Achilles of all the great things his son did for them in battle. All the men he killed and the victories he helped them win.
The Ghost of Ajax
Ajax did not talk to Odysseus because of a battle they had where Odysseus won all of Achilles armor. In the house of Hades Odysseus and his men saw all these other men being tortured for all thier wrong doings while they were alive. The men got scared and got on the boat and started to head home.
The Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis 
Odysseus a tied himself to the ship while his men filled their ears with wax as they sailed by the Sirens and their sweet song. The trip through Scylla and Charybdis was not as smooth. They threw them into the ocean from their boats.

1 comment:

  1. Cassie, this great! I am so glad you were able to finish up the reading this week, and your story for the week is already done because it is the one you finished up from last week. Excellent! I am glad you were able to get all the reading/story blog post assignments done this week. Super!
