Tuesday, May 3, 2016


I did not know what to expect when taking an online class, I kind of thought it would be easy and I wouldn't take away a lot from it, but I was wrong about both of those things. I had a very rough start... and middle, but a strong finish.
One thing that I am most proud of in this class is my storybook. It was another one of those things I had a rough start on, but I really enjoy the way it turned out. Its so fun to retell stories in first person, as the people who actually lived the story. I did a lot of research on the characters in my storybook so I could write with the same attitude that they would have. There wasn't much information on Andromeda, so it was cool making up a personality for her. Medea was defiantly a fun character to write as, but a little scary. She was pretty ruthless, but a lot of mythological characters are. Engagement stories always make me cry, because I am a huge softy, and I am glad I could make my own engagement story website.
The storytelling was also one of my favorite aspects of the class. I reminded me of being little and making up creative stories. All the different cultures we read about was also super cool.
My advise to future students would be to actually do the work when you are supposed to because it is interesting stuff and fun to learn about!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Tech Tip: Pinterest Board


I created a Pinterest board and I pinned some things over the stories I have read the past couple of weeks. I have used Pinterest before so I am used to all the things it entails and it entails SO many things! I love it. I got a Pinterest when I was a Junior in high school and I still get on my Pinterest and it is incredible how it has developed. When I made my original account, Pinterest was something that you had to be invited to, you couldn't just sign up for it like I just did!
I have done many projects I have seen on Pinterest and its also a wonderful (horrible for my wallet) place to go online shopping or even figure out outfits with clothes you already have. You couldn't image how many different ways you can wear a flannel.
On my new Pinterest board I pinned a lot of things from the Brothers Grimm. One pin I enjoyed in particular is "The Disturbing Origins of 10 Famous Fairy Tales." Disney kind of deceived of when animating these stories and I already know some stories like Ashenputtel, The Frog Prince and Snow White, but I'm interested in what the other ones are!

Famous Last Words: Week 14

Well I am sad I didn't take the opportunity to do this extra credit throughout the semester, because it would be interesting to go through my blogs and see what I was thinking each week.
This week, I read the section Librivox and the stories were from the Brothers Grimm. They really do have a lot of interesting stories, that are well known now, but slightly different. One story that intrigued me to choose the Librivox section was The Frog Prince. I don't know if i actually heard the entire story of the frog prince. I knew the basis that a princess kisses a frog and he turns into a handsome prince, but I guess I never really questioned why she would do that, other than just him asking her.
In the new Disney movie the Princess Frog it does not follow the Brothers Grimm story. In the story I read I was surprised to find out that the princess didn't even kiss the frog to turn him human. Also the frog didn't tell the girl he was under a spell.
In the story she promises the frog to give him a place to eat and sleep, even though she had no intention of following through. The frog then shows up to her house and her father makes her keep her promise. The frog ate at the table and slept in her bed for three nights and then woke up a man on the third morning. No kisses. I am not sure why he wouldn't have just told her that, because I feel like she would be more likely to let him stay. It would freak me out a lot if I woke up to a man in my bed and I wasn't expecting it. I am also shocked he married her at the end of the story, because she was kind of a brat.

Week 14 Review

With finals and final projects, I thought this little picture of the doggie was super cute and kind of made me wish I had a dog to offer to eat my homework. I guess now a days your dog eating your homework can't really be an excuse since everything is online! At least in college it is.  The glasses on the dog really enhance the photo as if he is trying to understand the homework.

I always crack up and make an audible "aww" when I see the growth mindset blog post! They are also motivating and keep me in high spirits! I like this one a lot because my sister is actually a former OU gymnast and I did gymnastics for 11 years. I actually have a picture that looks just like this, but I have little less hair, and I'm defiantly not as cute! Also effort totally makes a difference Love it

Storytelling: Week 14: Dragon Castle Club

My name is Annabelle and I am a princess. I know you think its all glitz and glam, but I am the youngest of my twelve sisters, so I have to do whatever they tell me. I am the quietest out of the group. I really like to read and I spend a lot of time on the spinning wheel. My sisters love to dance, but I am not the partying type, also daddy doesn't let us leave the castle at night.
The past couple of weeks my sisters have been sneaking out (and dragging me along) to go to this new Dragon Castle Club. Its super exclusive and in an underground castle. We meet up with the the twelve princes from the other kingdoms and they row us across the lake to get to it. I think daddy is on to us because each night we dance so much we get holes in our slippers so we need a new pair every single day.
Our father set out an announcement to everyone that says whoever finds out where we go they will get to marry one of us. I really don't want to get caught and married to some troll or something gross like that. I asked my sisters if we could stop going dancing, but they all started yelling at me.
Overtime some strange man came to the castle we assume they are trying to catch us, so before bed we make them a special tea that knocks them out cold until morning. My sisters are crazy, but they are also super cleaver. There have been like four princes that have come to stay with us and each time they sleep though the whole night and can't hear us sneaking out.
Lately there has been this soldier who seems pretty sure of himself, but he has no idea. We gave him the tea and made sure he was out before we put our dresses on and left the castle, but something strange happened. I was walking down the stairs and I felt something tug on my dress. I was sure it was a hand or someone grabbing me because thats what it felt like, but my sisters dismissed it as me catching my dress on the railing.
We started walking into the forest and i heard a strange sound I had never heard before, like a snapping twig, but it came from behind us. I thought it was a bear or wolf, but once again my sisters dismissed it as me being paranoid. I am just always so nervous.
When we got to the boats the princes were waiting for us. The prince my sisters set me up with is attractive, but not very bright. He probably hasn't opened a book in his life. He is a pretty good dancer though. When we got on the boat he said it seemed heavier and harder to row, and I know that I two deserts last night, but I didn't think it was that noticeable. I didn't want him to think I was fat so I just said I think the wind is stronger than normal, and his simple mind agreed with me.
We danced all night and then came home to that sleeping soldier still in his room, snoring louder than ever. I thought it would keep me up, but I was so tired I fell right to sleep.

The next day we all woke up and went downstairs for breakfast, but something was off because the soldier was still there! He actually stayed for three more nights.
On the third morning when we went downstairs the soldier was standing right by daddy, and daddy looked so mad. The soldier on the other hand looked super giddy. At that moment I knew we had been caught and my heart sank to my stomach.
Daddy didn't say anything to us he just looked at the soldier and said "Pick one," like we were sheep at the market. I was so mad, but then again we had been disobedient. Luckily he didn't pick me, he picked my oldest sister, who didn't really seem to mind marrying a stranger.
The rest of us got grounded for a whole month. I honestly didn't mind because I finally got to catch up on my reading and my sleep.

Authors Notes: This story comes from the Brothers Grimm's story "The Twelve Dancing Princesses." This story follows the same theme as the other one, but I wanted to tell it in the youngest sisters perspective. In the Grimm's version the youngest one is questioning everything around her when they sneak out. All of the noises she hears is the soldier. He was able to get a hold of an invisible cloak and follow the sisters to the place where they dance, which is an underground castle, so I thought it would funny to name is Dragon Castle Club.

Learning Challenges: Time Management

I watched the video over The Science Of Procrastination, and as I was watching it I was thinking "hmm.. should've watched this week 2 and I wouldn't have to be cramming all this extra credit into week 14." But it is still good I watched it because finals are coming up and I need to manage my time much better than I have been this semester. Having an online class is super difficult and shouldn't be for someone who isn't very good at time management because it can slip away from your mind so easily.
When I am studying or don't my school work I am faint to try the 25 min of work and then a small reward. I did this tactic freshman year, but with chapters. I restrained myself from using my phone until I finished a chapter. I even turned my phone off for that time, but I haven't done that in while and I really need to get back into it. I would also help me keep away from my phone, which i should do more often any way. I downloaded the app PocketPoints to help me when I study to stay off my phone and it sort of helps, but its so easy to open your phone and turn the apron before you close it. For finals this semester when I come to the library (because its hard for me to study anywhere else) I will do the time management challenge by turning off my phone for 30 min at a time to be able to get my work finished.

Growth and Mindset Challenges

This week I read the story named "Queen Bee" by the Brothers Grimm. There were three brothers and the older two were not in a very growth mindset, even though they weren't able to survive well on thier own they still thought they were better then their dwarf little brother. In the story the older two want to kill just about everything, but the younger brother knows it is wrong and saved the lives of ants, ducks and bees.
The brothers were all set up with the same challenge, but the first two failed and were turned into marble. The dwarf brother took on this challenge, but even though it was very difficult he was able to do it with the help from the animals he saved. He doubted himself at first and sat crying on a rock, but when his ant friends came to help him I think he started in the growth mindset and knew he could achieve all three tasks. He did! He even was able to set both his brothers free from being marble. Hopefully after that his brothers started looking at life the way their dwarf brother did and tried to better themselves.