Sunday, January 24, 2016

Overview: Adam and Eve

For my Week 2 readings I think I am going to read the story of Adam and Eve. I am a Christian so I know the basis of the story very well. I was very interested by the fact the description said the reading filled in gaps and expanded the story. Christianity for me is living by the Bible and any story that expands the Bible catches my interest. This is also one of the first stories told in the bible about how the world came to be and how humans are here on earth. To me everything relates back to this story, so I am excited to hear and learn how it is told in different ways.
This photo was very interesting to me because there are 6 creatures in it. As most of know the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible has 2 people, a snake (the devil), and of course God. This picture appears to have two creatures who are portraying the devil.


  1. Thanks for making your Week 2 choice, Cassie! And what you see there is a really common style used in art that depicts a story: that is actually two episodes of the story in one frame. On the left there are Adam and Eve giving in to the devil's temptation, and on the right is what happens afterwards: they are driven from Eden, and an angel threatens them with a sword so that they cannot go back. You'll see a lot of medieval and Renaissance art that does this, telling a whole story by combining different scenes in one picture.

    1. Thats beautiful they combine scenes in artwork! Im excited to see it more!
