Monday, January 25, 2016

Week 2 Reading Diary: Adam and Eve

The Creation:
In the beginning God created.... Everything! and it was very good. The creation of man and woman has begun and this is where the story starts getting juicy.
The Fall:
Like most innocent women, Eve was tricked by a snake. The fruit of the tree of good and evil was completely off limits, but Eve was talked into it by the devil himself. Adam, trying to be the good husband he is, listened to his wife and also ate the forbidden fruit. They were no longer innocent, which caused distress for the human race.
The Ideal Man:
Tall and wide as the eyes can see, can live a thousand years, and can make up names for every creature on the earth? Perfection!... I guess. Stated in the reading and common knowledge, there are no perfect men anymore.
The Fall of Satan:
At first I thought this was going to be a story about the time my ex tripped but not so much. Jealousy took over one of the angels in heaven because of the perfection of the first man. He tried to compare himself to Adam but soon realized he was no match and threw a hissy fit. God kicked him out of heaven along with his evil posse.
Lilith was no Eve, except the whole rebellious attitude. Eve ate fruit, but Lilith didn't mind the death of one hundred babies daily just so she didn't have to live with Adam.
Women were doomed from the beginning. Even though God tried to work around all the flaws that could go wrong, it happened any way. Eve being the first women was as great as she could be and to Adam she was perfect. They were married, now a days some might say a little too quickly, but they were in love!

In this story accepting the Lord into your heart was not the way to Heaven, but your soul has to pass through seven portals to see if it is worthy to join the angels.
The Fall of Man:
Like in the bible the fall of man was because of the meal of the forbidden fruit, but in this story the serpent was just about equal to man. They were almost equal in physical ability, so the serpent wanted to get rid of human so he could be superior over all God's creatures.
The Punishment:
For Adam and Eve the punishment for them was for all mankind. Adam shrank down in size, they knew they were naked, and they could feel pain. The sneaky snake was punished as well. God took away his arms and legs, made him crawl on his belly and he could only eat dust. Im sure there were many regrets going on at this point. The earth and the moon were punished along with man and the serpent.

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