Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Reading Diary: Week 7: Japanese Fairy Tales - Lang

The Two Frogs 
There were two frogs, one from of Osaka and one from Kioto, and they both wanted to travel and explore their land. The Kioto frog wanted to travel to Osaka and the Osaka frog wanted to go to Kioto. They met at amounting in the middle of their two towns and looked at the towns they were traveling to see to find that they looked exactly like the town they came from.
The Stonecutter
There once was a poor stonecutter, who seemed content with his life until he visited a rich mans house. After that he said to himself that he wishes he was a rich man and the mountain spirit granted him this wish. The sun was still hot for him as a rich man so he wished to be a prince so someone would hold an umbrella over his head. He found the sun was mightier than man so he wished to be the sun, then he wished to be a cloud then to be a rock. As a rock, a stone cutter came and chipped off a piece of the former stonecutter. The rock wished to be a man again and then was content with what he had.
The Maiden With The Woden Helmet
There was a family who had lost all their riches so they had to teach their daughter tot work very hard. This girl was very beautiful, but her mother gave her a wooden helmet to wear and never take off. She started working for a rich family and soon became the sick mothers maiden. This sick women had a son who thought the helmet was strange but got a glimpse of the women beauty. He then had to marry her. During the wedding the helmet fell off and revieled her beauty.
The Envious Neighbor
There was an old couple with a very loyal dog. This dog dug up gold coins for the couple. The neighbor of this couples asked to borrow the dog for a night in hopes of him finding more gold, but the dog didn't , so the neighbor killed him. The dog visited the old man in a dream and told him to make a mortar to collect rice and the rice turned into gold. The neighbor borrowed the mortar and the rice turned into smelly berries so he smashed the mortar.
The Sparrow With The Slit Tongue
A very sweet old man was married to a greedy mean women. The man saw a sparrow in need and brought it into his home and kept it safe, but the women saw this bird and tried to kill it and plot its tongue. When the man found out he went out to look for it and found himself in a beautiful garden with a big house and maiden. This maiden was his spare friend and she fed him and had him pick between two chests. He picked the smaller one and it was gold coins. His wife called him foolish and went to go get the bigger chest. She did and when she opened it there were two snakes who bit and killed her. 
The Cat's Elopement 
There were two cats Gon and Koma and they fell madly in love and ran away together. They came face to face with a dog and Koma ran up a tree and Gon stayed strong like he would fight the dog. A man who worked for the princess came and saved Gon and took him to the palace. They were heart broken that they were separated. At the palace Gon saw two cats fighting and went outside to break it up to find the smaller cat was Koma. 

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