Thursday, March 31, 2016

Storytelling: Week 10: The Mountains

There once was a little girl and little boy who always tried to take a short-cut out of work, or would ignore their work completely. After a while their parents knew they weren't completing their chores, so they made the little boy and girl plow the land and plant all of the seeds for the upcoming spring harvest.
The parents sent the children into town to buy seeds and told them to stop for anything else. On their way they came across an old lady who told them that she was selling seeds a lot cheaper than the market was, but what they didn't know was that this women was magical. She said to the children, "These seeds are a lot better than the ones you will get at the market, they make things grow very fast, so you won't need to buy as many seeds at the market. You do need to plant them with other seeds though. If you plant pumpkin seeds with them, your pumpkins will grow to full size with in a day."
The children bought the magical seeds, and went to the market and bought very few of the other seeds their parents told them to buy. The next day the children dragged their feet while plowing the field, and they took so long that they barely had any sunlight to plant the seeds. They started to place the seeds into the ground and placed all the magical seeds into the ground, but didn't have time to put the vegetable seeds into the ground, so they decided to do it the next day.
They went inside and told their parents they finished all the work. They went to sleep, but something strange happened the land over night. It started to raise! since there weren't any vegetable seeds in the ground with the magical seeds the ground grew fast.
The children woke up the next morning and looked outside and the rows they planted the seeds were now hills. They ran outside to see the ground growing right before their eyes. The hills they saw before were now large hills. they went inside to get their parents and when they came out there was a full mountain range next to their house. They couldn't believe their eyes.

Authors Notes: I wrote this story based off the American Indian Tale called "The Little Boy and The Girl In The Clouds." This story is being told by one of the older natives, Iagoo, who tells the story about how the mountains were made. In this story a little boy and girl fall asleep on a rock that grows while the children were asleep and the rock grows into a tall mountain. The kids get stuck up there and all the animals couldn't reach them, only the small little worm. 


  1. Wow, I absolutely loved this story! I have never heard of the original story before, but I like how you stuck to a smiliar storyline. I also really enjoyed the formatting layout you used in your story. The smaller paragraphs kept me engaged in the story. Maybe you could add names to the characters to bring them even more to life! Overall, great work! I am excited to read more!

  2. This was a very good story! I have not of heard of the original story before, but you did a great job of following the roots of the original source of the story to write your story. It was an easy based off the fact of using the smaller paragraph structure. Good job and good luck the rest of the semester!

  3. Cassie, I really enjoyed reading your story! I saw your author's note and remembered reading the original story myself, but your re-telling was not what I was expecting. You took the main idea from the original story and created your own complete different story, which is great! That's what I loved most about this class! You can take one story and make SO many different stories and whatever you write is accepted. It's definitely helped me to be a more creative writer and person!
