Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Reading Diary: Week 10: American Indian Fairy Tales

Iagoo, The Storyteller
Imago was an old wise man, who was an amazing story teller. He knew why and how everything was the way it was. It was wintertime and that is the time for storytelling. All the children came to hear stories from Iagoo, but the North Wind was very strong and scared one of the little girls. Iagoo proceeded to tell a story about the North Wind.

Shin-Ge-Bis Fools The North Wind
The South Wind was one of the greatest times in the Indian summer. He made the trees grow and kept the land warm and kept the North Wind away, who had terrible anger and could freeze the land. When the South Wind Slept the North Wind would come in and ice the land and all the fishermen left except Shin-Ge-Bis, the diver. He could transform into a duck but was no match for the North Wind. Shin-Ge-Bis said that the North man was only a man like him, but he couldn't stand the heat. When the North Wind came near he invited him into his wigwam and made the fire big. The North Wind began to weaken and he had to leave. When he was outside he told Shin-Ge-Bis to go out into the snow to fight him. Shin-Ge-Bis knew he was weak from the heat and could make him weaker from his body heat. The fought all night and Shin-Ge-Bis won.
The Little Boy and The Girl In The Clouds
Iagoo told the story about the mountains. The story takes place in a valley of a little boy and girl. They had many animal friends and everyone got along peacefully. The little boy and girl fell asleep on a rock after a long day of swimming. While they were sleeping the rock began to rise and rose above the trees. The parents of the children couldn't find them and the animals all helped find them. None of the animals could reach them though, but a little worm said he could climb the mountain and help. they all scoffed at him, but he reached the top and guided the children down the mountain. They named the rock after that little worm.
The Child of The Evening Star
A hunter lived out in the woods and had 10 beautiful daughters. Suitors came by and married nine of the girls, but the youngest, Oweenee, who was the most beautiful was not married. She was hard to please. She was able to see the heart of men and not their faces, and she said that is what really mattered. She ended up marrying an ugly man who had a beautiful heart. This ugly man, Osseo, was actually very handsome, but cursed by the evening star. Osseo had the curse lifted, but it just transferred to his loved one. She turned old. She said as long as he still loves her she's happy. All of the sisters were envious of the new looking husband, and were happy their sister lost her beauty. Suddenly a voice of the Evening Star was singing to Osseo. All the sisters and their husbands turned into birds and Oweenee's beauty was restored. The King of the Evening Star was Osseous father and he told them that a magican on their land cursed Osseo and sent him to earth. Osseous and Oweenee decided to move to the Evening Star and while they were there they had a son. Their son always wondered what it would be like on Earth. He released birds hoping they would take him to earth,but they didn't so he shot one. When he did the bird turned into a woman and blood was shed on the Evening Star and it made them all decent to earth.

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