Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Reading Diary: Week 7: Lang Continued

A young man was on a journey and had to stay the night in a chapel for safety. At night cats gathered there and chanted "Don't tell Schippeitrto." He soon found out that a girl from a near by village was going to be sacrificed to The Mountain Spirit and the young boy asked who Schippeitero was. He was a dog who could kill The Mountain Spirit. He got the dog and went to the chapel and when the spirit was going to eat the girl he found the dog instead and the dog and the boy worked together and killed the spirit.
The Crab and The Monkey
The monkey made a deal with the crab to give hm rice and to give the crab a seed of fruit. The crab agreed and she planted the seed and soon had a beautiful tree with a lot of fruit. The monkey asked if he could have some fruit and the crab said yes if he throws down half the fruit to her, but instead he ate all the good fruit and threw down the rotten fruit to the crab. The crab knew the monkey would come back for more fruit so she made a plan with her friends. When the monkey came back he tried to steal an egg that exploded in his face and the he got stung by a wasp and then a mortar fell on his head and he died.
The Magic Kettle
An old man had a kettle that he started to heat up, but when he did the kettle turned into a tanuki. The man didn't want this creature in his house so he sold the kettle to Jimmu. Jimmu set up a booth and showed people the transformation and became very weather. He was an honest man so he filled the kettle with gold coins and brought it back to the old man.
How The Wicked Tanuki Was Punished
Because of hunters there were no animals in the forest except three: the tanuki, the fox, and their son. They were very hungry so the Tanuki transformed himself into a man and sold the fox (knowing she was alive and could escape back into the forest). But he told the seller she wasn't really dead so the tanuki could have more food for himself. The son wanted to avenge his mother so he told his father that he was very good at magic and could transform into anything, but his father said he would still be able to recognize him. So instead of transforming the son just hid and then the king came by and tanuki jumped on him thinking it was the son and the kings guards killed him. 
The Slaying of The Tanuki
The tanuki was very mean to the peasant so the peasant took him home and bound him up because he was planning on eating him. The peasants wife felt bad for the tanuki and untied him, but he killed her and made dinner from her flesh. He transformed into the wife and fed the peasant the meal. He told the peasant and ran away. The hare tried to get revenge by setting the wood that was bounded to the tanuki's back, but it didn't kill him. They had an idea to make two boats, one made of clay and one made of wood. The hare invited the tanuki to fish and he agreed and god into the bigger clay boat. When they were out on the water the hare struck the boat, breaking it and drowning the tanuki. 
Uraschimataro and The Turtle
A young fisherman of two loving parents went too far out to sea and he caught a baby turtle. This turtle begged for his life so the boy gave it to him and set him free. Later he was caught in huge waves and the turtle was bigger now and saved him. The turtle brought him to an underwater palace with a beautiful princess, the boy stayed there for a very long time and did not age. The boy soon longed for his parents and the princess told him he could go and gave him a small box. She said if he were to open the box he would never be allowed to return. the boy agreed and went to the land. Up there he rand to his parents house only to find they were dead. He opened the box and the young boy turned into an old man. He waited by the shore for the turtle, but he never came and the man died. 

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