Thursday, March 24, 2016

Reading Diary: Week 9 Continued

Lodge-Boy and Throw-Away
A pregnant women was killed by the red women and she threw one baby outside in the spring and the other behind the curtain. The father found one of the boys and raised him but the other was wild. They changed the wild boy into a human and then they went to go raise their mother from the grave. The father warned the boys about dangerous things around their tipi and the boys always went to these things and conquered them. At the end they had to kill a long otter and did.

The Son In Laws Test
Wemicus was the father of the of a daughter who had many husbands, who Wemicus killed off. He put the former husbands through many tricks that all ended in death, but the current husband was able to defeat wemicus in every scheme. The last scheme was to beat him in a sailing race, but Wemicus’ canoe tipped over and before he died he turned into a pike fish.

The Jealous Father
Aioswé had two wives and his son was intimate with the woman who wasn’t his mother. Aioswé was enraged and decided to abandon this boy on an island. This boy escaped by riding on a walrus back to the mainland. On the mainland he had to get past a few obstacles before getting home and he succeeded. When he arrived home his mother, but Aioswé was scared for his life. They burned the forest and boiled the water , but the son and mother turned into birds and escaped.

Dirty Boy
The chief of the tribe had two daughters and put on a contest to marry off his daughters. The brother and sister, Sun and Star, came down to earth and took shape of a dirty boy who can not walk and an old women. The dirty boy entered the contest and won. The chief put on a new contest and the dirty boy one that one too. His wives were coming to his house when one stopped at the ravens house and married him. The younger sister went to the house of the dirty boy and married him and took care of him everyday. He later showed his true identity and she was thrilled.

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