Friday, March 25, 2016

Storytelling: Week 9: Drama in Okanagon Tribe

A lot went on in the Okanagon Tribe like building, hunting and fighting, but one thing that most people were interested in was the juicy gossip that happened around the camp. One girl you knew always knew what was happening and had to gossip about it was Dara. She would always gossip when her and her friends were at work basket weaving. The latest buzz around the camp was that the chief off the tribe wanted his beautiful daughters to get married.

Dara came to work and of course started talking before they even sat down, she said "Did y'all hear that the chief is trying to marry off his daughters? I mean it is about time. Those girls are almost 15."
One of her co-workers said "We heard, but those girls reject every suitable man who is willing to deal with them."
"I know, I know, but this time he is holding a competition and whoever wins gets to marry them."
"What is the competition?"
"It is a shooting completion, which is great because my nephew, Coyote, is the best shooter in the tribe and I just know that he will win. They have four days to prepare and they have to shoot and eagle and bring it back to the chief."
The rest of the work day the basket weavers all talked about the competition and how they are going to prepare their sons and nephews.
The a few days later, there was a lot of talk about this new mat lodge and everyone was wondering what is was, but they knew Dara would be sure to tell them.
"Oh my Sulia. Did you guys see that disgusting mat lodge near camp? How could it have just appeared and look so old?" said Dara.
A co-worker asked "Did you look inside to see who moved in?"
"You guys will not believe this. It is the oldest woman I have ever seen and this dirty dirty boy. You can tell they haven't jumped in the river in a long time, if you know what I mean. I'm not even sure this boy can even see, he has sores all over his eyes and he just lays in bed. If he came here to enter the contest there is no way he is winning, I don't think he could even afford to make a bow and arrow. Coyote has been practicing for the past three days and is sure to win."
Later that night the shooting competition was held and Coyote lost and the dirty boy in the mat lodge won, Dara was not happy.
"He cheated. I know he did. He didn't even move from his bed, supposedly, and that's impossible. Even the chief thanks so that's why he's holding another competition to catch a fisher bird tonight and everyone knows fisher birds only live in the mountains that dirty boy can't even walk," said Dara.
Once again Coyote lost the competition and the dirty boy won by putting two traps on either side of the house. The daughters were on their way to the dirty boys house to marry him, but the older sister refused and married another boy. The younger sister went to the house and was very sad because she knew she had to take care of her sick husband.
"At least one of the chiefs daughters has a brain and didn't go to the dirty boys house. Who cares if he won the competition, he is so gross and can not provide for her," Dara started out.
But one of her co-workers interrupted her, "Haven't you seen the dirty boy Dara? He transformed into he true form as the chief of the stars! He is handsome and powerful and I even heard that he gave the chiefs daughter gold stars to wear in her hair. She is very lucky she followed through with the chiefs orders."
Upset, Dara stormed out to go see that her co worker was correct and she couldn't believe her eyes

Authors Notes: This story comes from the Native American Hero story "Dirty Boy." I didn't change up too much of the story, but told it in a new perspective. Theres always that one person who is always gossiping, so I thought it would be fun to write this story like it would have been talked about as it was going on.

1 comment:

  1. It's very creative that you use the gossip writing style for this story. The shooting competition to win a bride kind of reminds me of the movie Brave, where something similar happens. It was fun to read and you management to keep it interesting throughout the story. It's nice to see the story having a happy ending. Great job!
