Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Reading Diary: Week 9: Native American Hero Tales

The Jealous Uncle
There was an "Unnatural Uncle" who always killed his nephews, it had happened twice before. When a third sone was born to his sister they tried to tell him that he was a girl so that he didn't kill him. It worked for a while but the uncle soon found out and planned to kill the boy. The uncle asked him to get wood with him and trapped him in wood so he would die, but the boy rubbed a sour cranberry on the wood and escaped. The next day the uncle asked the boy to help him gather ducks and eggs and tried to kill him again. The boy successfully escaped. After that the uncle asked him to get clams, and the boy got trapped inside a huge clam but then escaped. The uncle then made a man sized box and had the boy get inside. The uncle set the box off to sea and it later washed up on the land of eagles. The boy married the chiefs daughter and told the chief about his parents and uncle. The chief let him take the eagle skin and go to his homeland and retrieve his parents. The boy made his uncle pay for treating his parents poorly by dropping him into the sea and making him attempt to swim to shore. The boy got his parents and returned to the Eagle land
Bluejay and His Companions 
There was a group of five companions and they went seal hunting together and gave Grouse all the lean meat and no fat. Grouse then had a seal drag these five men far out to sea. When they men realized they started paddling back and got stuck and seaweed and one of them downed. They then got to a strange shore and a squirrel challenged the bluejay to a climbing match. The bluejay won. They were then called to more challenges that they cheated and won all of them. After the horrible journey the men learned to give the fattest best seal to grouse.
An old women and her granddaughter happened to find a baby that called the young women mother. This women didn't accept him as her son until he killed a white deer and gathered long acorns. The boy did so and the women finally called him son. After that he set out to go to a town and found out he was more than human. He played many games and won them all. 
Attack On The Giant Elk and The Great Eagle 
In the early days there were monstrous sized animals who would terrorize and kill human, like the elk and eagle. The sons of the Sun were sent out to kill these animals and stop them. Jonayaíyin set out to kill the elk and had help from animals friends. 

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