Monday, January 25, 2016

Growth Mindset


  1. I completely agree. I used to get so stressed out about what my grade was on a project, assignment, etc.... ESPECIALLY tests. I had terrible test anxiety and that would lead to me getting C's on my tests, which led me to feel terrible about myself and not feel confident about what I could do. Now that I am in my 5th year of college, I have learned that grades are important but they aren't everything and they don't determine your success regardless of how it might affect your GPA.

  2. YES! I know exactly what you mean! Being surrounded by so many pre-meds, everyone's goal is just to make that A. 4.0 is life to pre-meds, but honestly it's just a letter. A person's GPA doesn't define someone. A multiple choice exam doesn't measure my intelligence. I believe that everyone has their strengths in different areas. I'm pretty decent at science. I love science. But if someone gave me a music exam, I would fail like no other! Keep it up with your creativity! It's a rare quality!

  3. Amen, girl! I can’t name all the bones in the body either—hurray for creativity!

    But it is sad that our education system has dwindled down to standardized tests and letter grades. Most people can’t give an accurate description of the history of their country, or write a paper without the help of the internet. I know we’ve advanced in a lot of ways, but I wish we were all more focused on learning rather than earning (a grade).

  4. YES! So true! I hate how our world now basses smartness and hard work of of “A’s”. People and their skills and personalities are so much more important than their grades! I used to think if I didn’t make a 4.0 that I was a failure! But that is not true at all and I am so glad I finally realized that!
