Thursday, January 21, 2016


I am Cassandra Neubauer studying Advertising at the University of Oklahoma. I am now in my 3rd year and loving every minute of it. I have dreamed of coming to this university ever since my older sister became a gymnast for OU. Although I am now an Ad major it wasn't my first choice. As a freshman I explored the world of Interior Design and hated it. After dropping that major I soon came to realize that I had no idea what I wanted to do with he rest of my life (like many 19 year olds), so I had the awful pressure of finding a new major. I took the aptitude test at OU and my number one major was Advertising, but I thought the test was crazy so I decided to do a photography major. My parents quickly made me switch into something that they thought would be best for me like Advertising. I kept photography as my minor, but I was mostly taking Ad classes. As the semesters progressed I started to like these classes, which I thought would never happen. After taking Advertising Copy and Layout last semester I knew that this was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.
On my Christmas family vacation to Michigan to see my extended family I found out that Advertising runs in the family. My grandfather worked for an ad agency through out most his life. I also have an uncle and two cousins who are in the Ad field.
After talking to my family for a while they all started talking about internships (which scared me a lot , but I have to grow up). I am now striving to get an internship with a distant relative in California this summer and I could not be more excited.

I am a huge animal lover and a huge Thunder fan and I combined these two loves and I now name my cats after NBA players. I have Thabo (like Thabo Sefolosha, previous thunder player), Collison (like Nick Collison), and Griffin (like Blake Griffin). I had a dog Ally, but she passed away while I was in college and my parents don't want to get a new dog now that all the kids are out of the house. 


  1. Hey Cassie, I'm glad your found what wanted to do. I'll admit, I know nothing about advertising, but it sounds really exciting. I definitely feel for you when it comes to not knowing what to do. I remember coming back the second semester of freshman year, and half of my dorm floor didn't. So, it's awesome to see that you made it through that, and found something that you really enjoy.

  2. Hey Cassie! I too have struggled with what major I wanted to peruse, I changed my major 3 times actually. I ended with sociology, and I couldn't be more amazed with how much I connect with it! Isn't it awesome how when you find your place it just clicks with you?! I find it really cool that photography is your minor, I LOVE taking and editing photos, it's a huge hobby of mine that I hope to peruse one day! Good luck with your internship this summer!!

  3. What a great story about your major, Cassie! It is DESTINY. If you want to use advertising writing styles for your stories in this class, that could be really cool. Storytelling is a very powerful tool in the world of advertising, and of course the stories have to be REALLY good so that you can hold your audience's attention and get your message across. There are some television ads that really tell a story well (I'll be watching the Superbowl for those ads while my husband watches the actual game)... and my all-time favorite ad is the Travelers Insurance one with the dog. Do you know it? I never get tired of this ad!!! YouTube: Travelers Insurance dog

  4. Hey Cassie! I think just about everyone in college has had a panic attack when they decide to change majors! I definitely did, I am now an HES major, but it is worth the struggle when you find what you love! I have my 'career plan' but there are so many experiences in life that I think everyone wants to have! I also love photography and think that it is such a great hobby or interest to have! Good luck with your internship plans!

  5. Hey Cassie!
    First of all, your blog is very cute! Second, I had the same experience with hating my first major. I was pre-pharmacy and soon realized it would never be for me! I love that photography is your minor! It definitely sounds exciting. I love that you found out advertising runs in the family! I hope you have a blast with it!

  6. Hey Cassandra! I am Patrick and I enjoyed going through and reading different parts of your blog. Like you, I have changed my major throughout my college career as well. At first I was undecided, which kind of made me nervous because a bunch of my friends had already decided. Then I chose entrepreneurship because I have always wanted to own my business, however the major was something completely different than what I expected. Now, its Marketing and I will be graduating in May.... finally!! Good luck with everything and hope you get that internship. California is one of, if not my favorite state!

  7. Hi Cassandra! I think it's awesome that you found what you want to do, and that it is something you love! Advertising always sounded like fun to me, but the health field is definitely where I want to be.I know what you mean about internships though, they are scary to think about! Ive had three at this point, and every time I start a new one it's always scary to think that I'm getting closer to being in the real world, and this actually being my career. I really hope you get the one you want!

  8. Cassandra,
    You seem like such a down to earth person! I enjoyed reading about yourself. It is interesting to me how many people are indecisive about what they want to do for the rest of their lives (I totally understand though); this is maybe because I found my passion in high school and stuck with it! I am now about to graduate in one more semester. I feel like advertising is a very good major especially in today's modern time; technology alone has made that field grow so much; finding a good job should not be difficult at all! I love your cats too...I cannot resist haha It is funny how they are all named after NBA players. I too have a cat and she is precious. I have always wanted a dog, but unfortunately never had one. Maybe when I settle in a home, I can finally get one!

  9. Hey Cassandra! Nice to meet you! I am also an advertising major and I went through a very similar crisis like you did my freshman year too! I was an HES major and realized I don't want to be a doctor or physical therapist so why would I put myself through such a specialized field? So I switched to advertising (after many conversations and aptitude tests) and I love it! There is so much you can do within the advertising field and it also broadens you to work in other industries such as marketing, communications, businesses, and public relations! I wonder if we will ever be in the same class in Gaylord?

  10. Hey Cassie,

    I'm in Gaylord, too! I'm a PW major. I loved hearing about your journey to the ad major! And yeah, most 19-year-olds don't know what they want to do with their life...honestly, I think most 30 and 40 year olds are realizing the same thing. :p

    What was the interior design major like?? I know you probably only took a few classes, but I'm curious as to what made you hate it. I have no idea what it involves.

    Also, I love your cats! I don't really like cats, but Collison especially looks really cute, and the Thunder names are awesome.

  11. I feel ya on the having absolutely no idea what you wanted your major to be; I started out as pre-radiology and hated it so I took the same aptitude test at OU. I took it twice and met with three different career counselors before we decided that I should be a flight attendant, a bartender, or a public relations major... Obviously I chose PR. Haha but I have also really grown to love it and all of my classes. I wish you the best in interning in California, I would love to spend a summer interning there as well!

  12. Hi Cassandra! I'm also an advertising major here at OU! It's crazy how many ad majors there are in this class. That's so cool you're minoring in photography! I didn't really know that was an option and I would love to gain some photography skills. An internship in California would be so cool! I would love to live there after graduation. Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  13. Hi Cassandra! It sounds like you've really found a major that you're passionate about, which is awesome! It's also really cool that you got to keep photography as a minor, since you were interested in it before. It's funny--I also found out that my grandfather was interested in my major after I declared it, and to me it was totally cool to think that the interest had spanned generations. Also, your cats are REALLY cute. I have two at home, and they're my favorite (small, furry) people to hang out with! Naming cats is one of my favorite things to do, and naming with an NBA players theme is really

  14. Hello! Ha I think its great you finally found a major you like. I am also a junior and I was the same way! I have switched my major a lot in the past and finally found what I enjoy doing!
    I am also an animal lover but not the biggest basketball fan. I like how you named your cats after players! It is a great way to combine the two!
    Good luck this summer with your internship it sounds like it will be a wonderful experience!

  15. Hi Cassie! It's kind of nice to find someone who started out as a major and ended up hating it too. I started out as Accounting but hated a lot of my classes so I switched. Your cats are so cute and I'm sorry for the loss of your dog. I recently lost one of mine as well, so I know how you feel. Nice meeting you!

  16. Hi Cassie! I enjoyed reading your introduction. I am a Public Relations major here. I always loved my advertising classes and I think it is a wonderful field to study! I think it is so cool that your sister was a gymnast here. That was always my dream as a little girl. Soak up the last few years you have here because they fly by so fast! I hope you have a wonderful semester!

  17. Hey Cassie,

    It is nice to meet you! I am a Health & Exercise Sciencw major. I think we all struggle with trying to figure out what we want to do at this age haha. It gets pretty stressful because what you think is a long time to figure things out, it all goes by so fast! It is awesome that your sister was gymnast at OU. Good luck the rest of the semester!

  18. Your cats are so cute! I have to say, I think my favorite part of getting to comment on everyone's introduction pages is being able to see everyone's really cute cat and dog pictures! I can totally understand the struggle to find a major that fits, and I'm glad you found the perfect major!

  19. Hey Cassie, it's nice to finally meet you! So crazy to me that I've been in class with people this entire semester and have never come across their page! Your cats look adorable and I'm sorry to hear about your dog! Also, congrats on finding a major that you love! I also struggled early on with figuring out what I wanted to do, I mean, it is for the rest of your life! It sucks having to make such a huge decision at such a young age! Good luck on the rest of your semester!

  20. Hi Cassie! It was awesome to know that I was not the only one who struggled with finding the 'perfect' major. I had always wanted to do the prerequisites for pre-pharmacy but I could not decide on a major. I finally found Planned Program which enabled me to create my own major using all the courses and classes I needed for Pharmacy School. I too am a huge Thunder fan and absolutely adore that you named your cats the players name. Good luck in all you do!
