Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My Favorite Place to Be

Neubauer Family Photo 2016 

My favorite place to be is right where I am in that photo, surrounded by family. (I am the one in the front middle with brown hair.) I am the youngest of four, with only 5 years in between me and my oldest sister, so we were very close. Although I am away at college I still make time to go see them every once in a while especially since the two loves in my lives are my adorable niece and nephew. I could be in any location and as long as I have them it will be my favorite place. 

SipCaddy. Source:  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2874389/Want-bathe-glass-wine-shower-beer-Portable-cup-holder-allows-people-enjoy-beverages-wash.html

If I could choose to be anywhere it would be in the bathtub, with wine, listening to music. I know this isn't a specific town or location, but it is my favorite place. I have always loved being in water, and I am almost always listening to music... and we won't talk about how much wine I drink, but it is one of my favorites. I don't have that wine cup holder in the picture yet, but it looks like a great investment. 


  1. That picture of the wine-bath-cup is hilarious, Cassie! When you are making links, you'll want to do link text without showing the http code... like this: Daily Mail. You'll find more information about formatting posts here, including information about how to make the links: Formatting Blog posts

  2. Hey Cassandra!
    This is such an interesting take on your favorite place! I agree that it's not always where you are but who you're with that is important. It's so neat that you're very close in age with all of your siblings! It really can be so hard being away from family while at college!
    Also, I definitely need that bath tub wine holder. So funny!
