Thursday, February 25, 2016

Reading Diary: Congo continued

The Antelope and the Leopard 
The leopard bet he could hid from the antelope but he was easily found, then the antelope bet his life that he could hid from the leopard. The leopard looked and looked for him but only found a small dog who changed into a maiden. The leopard wanted to marry the maiden but she made the leopard declaw himself, chop off his ears and paw until he had killed himself. This maiden turned into the antelope and won the bet.
How The Spider Won and Lost Nzambi's Daughter 
Nzambi wanted to marry off her daughter and the spider said that he would marry her. The spider and other creatures went to the heavens to get fire from Nzambi Mpungu. When they returned the other creatures said they deserve marriage too because they helped.
The Turtle and The Man 
The man and turtle mad a large trap and then split it so they each had thier own trap. The turtle caught an antelope and an ox helped get it out and prepare it to eat, but when he asked for his share he didn't give it to him so the ox went to destroy his trap. He fell in and died. A leopard came to help to the turtle and when the turtle tried to trick him the leopard kill him and took all his meat.
The Gazelle and The Leopard 
The gazelle and leopard had a plantation together, but the leopard was the only one who put in work. The gazelle went to eat the crops with all his friends and the leopard was very angry when he found this out. The gazelle and his friends killed the leopard.
The Fetish Sunga 
Basa was a skilled fisherman, but he would lie to his family about how much fish he caught and he would smuggle it into his house. Sunga saw him do this and invited him to a feast. She took away his ability to lie.
The Rabbit and The Antelope 
The rabbit and antelope worked together, but the rabbit would leave the antelope to do all the work and eat their food. the antelope found out and told him he couldn't drink from his well anymore and the rabbit said okay. But the rabbit continued to drink from the well and the antelope set a trap and killed him.

The Fight Between The Two Fetishes
Lifuma went to the beach to gather shells and such to place around his sea-beach to show ownership. He tripped over an ant-hill and dropped his shells. He declared there should be no more ant-hills in his town.
The Fetish of Chilunga
There was a fetish who had the voice of a man and bird and was invisible. He would tie up the hands of the people who laughed at him or made him angry. One white man didn't believe in the spirit and was to keep watch of the presents and when he wasn't looking the invisible fetish took the presents and the white man believed.
The Leopard and The Crocodile 
A man cut up pine nut for a leopard and the leopard said that if he cut up pine nuts for only him the he would give him a lot of meat, but the man also made this deal with the crocodile. They both gave the man meat and then both requested to eating a dog, an animal they have never seen or eaten before, but the man didn't want to give up his dogs. He told them to meet in a certain location where he would leave the dog for them to eat but when they came it was just the croc and leopard who fought and killed each other thinking the other one was a dog.
Why The Crocodile Doesn't Eat The Hen
A crocodile wanted to eat a hen, but when he was about to eat it they hen would call him brother. The croc was upset by this and went out for expert advise. His friend said that the hen the turtle the duck and the crocodile all lay eggs so they are brothers in a way.
The Three Brothers
Three boys were abandoned by their mother when they were just babies. These brothers set out on their own and found food and became carpenters. They found their father and he went to tell the mother that he found her children. The boys found this women looking for them and they were about to kill her, but didn't when they found out she was their mother.

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