Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Week 3: Reading Diary: Homer's Odyssey

Homer’s Odyssey

The Land of the Cyclops
Odysseus and his men are arrived to the land of the Cyclops at night. The Cyclops are aggressive men who live like savage cavemen. There is no law and order, no ploughed fields, markets or ship ports, and they all fend for themselves. The live in caves on the mountain slopes.
Odysseus gathered his men and they went to explore the Cyclops. His crew boards a ship and they found a cave where a monster lived in solitude.

Prisoners of the Cyclops
They went into the cave bringing the sweet wine Odysseus received from the city of Ciconians. Odysseus was hoping for a polite welcoming Cyclops, but instead he ate two of his crew members and then fell asleep. The men knew they had to leave but there was a stone covering the opening only the cyclops could move. 
The Cyclops Defeated 
The men found a club and sharpened it into point to use against the Cyclops. Odysseus got him to drink a lot of the wine he brought and he told the cyclops his name was Nobody. The Cyclops soon fell asleep and at that moment the men stabbed him in the eye with the sharpened club. When he called for help he told his neighbors "Nobody hurt me," and he looked foolish. 
Escape from the Cyclops
The men escaped by attaching themselves to the under bellies of the sheep, and it worked! When they got out Odysseus has to open his big mouth and yell as their escaping which leads to the cyclops throwing a rock and almost hitting them. When they were escaping Odysseus told the cyclops his real name. The cyclops told him that he fulfilled the prophesy that was told to him that he would be blinded by a man named Odysseus. 
The Curse of Polyphemus 
As they were sailing away the Cyclops cursed Odysseus, saying that he won't make it back to his home or if he is destined to then for it to be a horrible trip where he looses his ship and crew and he finds trouble when he arrives home. 
Circe's Magic
Eurylochus and eleven of the men went to Circe's house where she drugged all the men except Eurylochus, changing them into pigs. Eurylochus went back to Odysseus to tell him the news, and Odysseus went to go save them. On his way Hermes gave Odysseus herbs that would keep him safe and instructions that would free his men. 

The Moly Defeats Circe
The Moly is the plant Hermes gave Odysseus to keep him safe from the drugs, and it worked! Odysseus was able to beat Circe and free his men. 
On Circe's Island
Circe welcomed Odysseus and his men into her house for a very long time where they had endless food and wine. After a While the crew reminded Odysseus he was on a journey home and he asked Circe if they could leave. She agreed but told him that he has to make a stop at the House of Hades to visit a ghost, Theban. Odysseus reminded her no one has ever survived that trip in a black ship. 
The Death of Elpenor
Circe gave Odysseus directions and instructions on what to do when arrives to the House of Hades. As the men were leaving, one of the men, Elpenor, fell off the roof and died. His spirit was sent to the House of Hades, right where his previous crew was headed also.

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