Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Storybook Possible Topics

Possible Topic 1: Mermaids
I have always been a huge fan of mermaids and water and they play a big role in mythology. There are many stories they appear in or the whole story is about them. They are very elegant and beautiful, and some are known to lure men to their deaths, which is pretty cool. There is also the huge debate if mermaids are real or not and its always wonderful hearing those stories (even though I don't really believe them).
Research so far:
I have read some older storybook from students who previously took this class. I looked up the stories that they read for their stories and skimmed a few of them. I have also watched The Little Mermaid probably 80 or so times. A few stories I looked at were the Mermaids Wife, Menanna and Piskaret and The Beautiful Girl and The Fish.

Possible Topic 2: Real vs. Disney
Disney is known for taking very adult stories and turning them PG and colorful. I am a huge fan of Disney, but for most stories I like the original. Disney's Hercules is my all time favorite movie, but its not as happy, bright and cheery as the animated version makes it out to be. This is true with a lot of stories.
Research so far: I have seen just about all of the Disney movies like Tangled, Cinderella, Hercules and Alice in Wonderland, which I personally think is a great first step in research. I do know some of the real stories, but I do need to reread them a little further in depth. I think other people have done this topic so I could go and look at some of the old storybooks.

Possible Topic 3: Engagement Announcements
This could possibly be one of my favorite topic themes. There are so many love stories in Mythology that end in marriage and engagements and engagement stories are my favorite (I always cry). I would write this in the 1st person of the girl who just got engaged whether it be a long romantic story, or one where Hades stole her and brought her to the underworld. Because of the array of stories the engagement announcements would all be very different and hopefully leave you with a smile and a small tear rolling down your face.
Research: Like I mentioned I already know the story of Persephone and I know there are many more like that. Theres also Cupid and Psyche, but I do need to do more research on some of these stories. There are always the classics like Cinderella. I could also add a mermaid story or a story from the bible.

Possible Topic 3: Underwater Mysteries
This kind of  leads back to mermaids, but this is a little bit of an expansion on that. I was thinking I could almost write the stories like they are being broadcasted on the show "Unsolved Mysteries." These are stories that have no ending and lead you to use your imagination to solve them yourself, or keep you guessing forever. With stories about mermaids or water sprites or even monsters like the Kraken there are many things I could do with this topic.
Research so far: In the story of Odysseus he is sailing in most of his adventure so he encounters many water creatures. There are many stories about pirates and water sprites. One that really captures my attention is the Kraken. These things may have already been on "Unsolved Mysteries" now that I think of it.
Kraken by MaBuArt

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