Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Reading Diary: Week 5: Georgia

Master and Pupil 
A father and son play tricks on people by the son turning into talented animals. Then the father would sell the animal retrieve the money and start walking away, but when the son got a chance he would break away from the people who just bought him tun back into a boy and catch up with his father. When someone bought him as a horse, they shut him in so he couldn't escape. He then turned into a mouse and escaped but his new owner turned into a cat and chased him, this went on and on until he became a needle and the man chasing him was a thread and then he rolled into a fire killing the thread and the boy returned home to his father.
A young handsome prince went out to find out his fate. When he did it said that he was going to marry a weavers daughter who had been sick for 9 years and the prince did not like that very much and decided to change his fate. He found the weavers daughter and stabbed her in the heart and left money and fled the house of the weaver. One day when he was out hunting he saw a beautiful women and married her. After they were wed he put his hand on her heart feeling a scar where she explains that she was stabbed by a young man who visited their family and they bought a mansion with the money he left.
The Serpent and The Peasant 
A very nice king saw a vision of a fox hanging from the ceiling and asked all the people in the land to come help interpret it. A peasant coming from far away passed a serpent that told him that the vision meant the land was full of deceivers and asked him to bring back half the reward. The king had two more visions that the peasant and serpent helped with and only the final time the peasant shared his rewards.
The Two Brothers 
Two brothers were going on a journey and had 10 loaves of bread each and one of the brothers told his brother to share his half now and they will eat the rest later, but he left and then made them go separate ways. The brother with no bread went to hide in a hopper where he heard stories where he could get great wealth from a bear, wolf and a jackal. He went and became wealthy and when his brother heard of this he went to that same hopper where the bear, wolf and a jackal killed the brother.
The King and The Apple
A dying king gave his son a coffer and told him to only use it when he was in danger while hunting in the east. When the boy was hunting in the east he went into a tower where twelve men with drawn swords who said they were going to cut off his head. He opened the coffer and an apple rolled out and told him three riddles that the boy got correct.

The Three Precepts 
A young man was a slave to a clever man for three years and learned three lessons: 1.) Throw everything you find into the yard, 2) Never lend anything to anyone, and 3) Don't tell secrets to a woman. When he was released from his three years he found a snake and there it into his yard and this snake laid precious stones and made the man wealthy. The women forced the man to tell her his secret and he did and then another man asked to borrow a knife. With this knife he killed and robbed someone and the young boy was to blame because it was his knife.
The Cunning Old Man and The Demi 
There was a lazy old man who was kicked out of his home for not helping with the work. He reached a river where there was a demi and the old man tricked him into thinking he was more than just a regular man and was able to get the demi to carry him across the river and feed him. The man once again tricked him into thinking he could eat a lot so the demi told his jackal and wolf friends about the old man and when they arrived to the old man he tricked the demi again and the demi was turned into dust.
The Sheperd Judge 
There was a sheperd that spoke very well and the king told him that he should be a judge and he was if they took his eyes then he would be a judge so they took his eyes. A man and a women came to him as a judge and told him about how the man stole a calf from the woman. The judge ruled that the calf was the woman's and then he got his eyesight back.
The Priest's Youngest Son 
Once there was a dying priest with three sons, and asked then to read the psalter when he was gone. The oldest two didn't, but the youngest son did and received three horses from this. With one of the horses he was able to retrieve the princess and he married her. He also retrieved milk for his mother in law and healed her illness.
Mingrelian Proverbs 
There are 28 Mingrelin proverbs.

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