Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Week 6: Reading Diary: Congo

How The Wives Restored Their Husbands to Life 
A man Nenpetro had three wives who were always hungry so he went out to kill an ox. He killed one, but then was killed by another ox. One of the wived dreamt of her husband dead, the other guided them to the body and the other raised him from the dead. The man said the wife who raised him from the dead is the most prized.
How Gazelle Got Married
Nenpetro had two daughters, Lenga and Lunga. He said he would only marry them off to a man who could guess their names. An antelope came and couldn't, then a man with his dog came and couldn't do it. The dog stayed behind and learned the names of the daughters and got distracted an dead to go back to the palace many times to learn their names. He finally got back to his master and he married the princesses.
The Vanishing Wife
There was once two brothers and one lived a very lavish life style and the other was poor with no wife. He then had a dream about a woman who asked him to fish and cut the heads off the fish before returning. Then his dream came true and he went fishing everyday. He then tested to see if the woman really hated the heads and when she saw a head on the fish she vanished along with the house and servants.
Another Vanishing Wife 
once again there were two brother, but one was treated very well by his mother and the other was not so he ran away into the woods. He pulled leaves off a tree and they turned into a women who would be his wife and then she mad him attractive and gave him clothes and a house. He was told not to tell about the origins of his wife, but he did. And when he did, his wife, servants and house vanished.
The Jealous Wife
Two women had children and husbands and their husbands left to go trade. The elder wife wanted to kill the younger wife's child and waited until it was dark and killed hi,. When she woke up she realized she killed her own son instead and ran away with the body. When her husband found her made her ear casca tree and killed her.
Ngomba's Balloon 
There were 4 sisters who went out to go fishing, but one of the sisters had horrible sores all over her body. She was sent away from the other three and she started fishing on her own when a murderer came up and cured her of her sore. He then married her and brought her to his town. She made a balloon to escape back to her mothers town where he followed her. They out together a dinner and killed the murderer.
The Wicked Husband 
A woman asked her husband to get more palm nuts but he told her to go with her if she wanted more. He took her into the woods and cut off her arms and legs. The prince soon found out and took the body into town and smoked it with the husbands body burning in the fire.
How Kenga Lost Her Child
Two wives of the same husband had two farms. They agreed whatever was grown on their farms in theirs and not for the other. Kenga had a baby on Gunga's farm and Gunga wouldn't give it to Kenga stating that it was born on her land, therefore it is hers. The prince ruled that the child was Gunga's.
The Twin Brothers 
There were once twin brothers who were born fully grown and with powers. One set out to find his wife and did, then went to a town where no one returns. He was killed and his twin brother went out to find him and used his powers to bring him back to life. The once dead brother killed his twin and then went back to the town.

The Younger Brother Who Knew More Than The Elder
The younger brother went away to another town and made an agreement with the leader of the town he moved to. They made a trap and anything caught in it that was a male would be the younger brothers and anything female would be the town leader. Everything that fell into the trap was male until the younger brothers wife fell into the trap. The town leader claimed her as his because she is female.

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