Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Reading Diary: Week 11: Alice in Wonderland

Down the Rabbit Hole 
Alice was bored sitting with her sister when she suddenly saw a white rabbit in a coat looking at this watch. She thought this was strange so she followed the rabbit down a hole and fell. It seemed like she was falling forever. She finally hit the ground and she as in a room with many doors. There was a key on the table that only fir into one small door, that alice couldn't fit into. She went back to the table she found the key on and saw a bottle labeled "Drink Me," so she did just that. Alice shrank down to 10 inches tall, but then she realized she had forgotten the key.She then found a box with a piece of cake in it that said "eat me," so she did and she grew over 9 feet tall. She got the key, but there was no way for her to get back through the tiny door.
Advise From A Caterpillar 
Tiny alice climbed on top of a mushroom and saw that there was a caterpillar there, smoking hookah. He asked her who she was, but the question puzzled her. She told him that she has changed since she got up that morning and she id not sure who she is. He didn't understand her and she was angry and started to walk away, but he said he had something important to say. He told her that one side of the mushroom will make her grow and the other side will make her shrink, then he disappeared. She took pieces fro each side and ate the right side and she started to shrink rapidly. She quickly ate a bit of the right side and started to grow, but just her neck. Soon enough her neck was very very long and she couldn't see her shoulders. A pigeon started pecking at her face calling her a serpent, but she argued she wasn't one. Soon enough she started eating the left and right sides of the mushroom until she was normal size.

Pig and Pepper
Alice was standing outside a house when a fish-footman came up to the house and handed a large letter to a frog-footman. The letter was from the queen inviting the duchess to play crochet. Alice went up to the frog-footman asking how to get in and they went back and forth for a while before just walking in. When she walked in, it lead to kitchen where the duchess was in the middle holding a baby and the cook was making soup that had way too much pepper. The only ones not sneezing because of all the pepper in the air were the cook and the cheshire cat. The cook started throwing dishes at the duchess and the baby, but they pretended like nothing happened, even when they hit them. the duchess threw the baby to alice to nurse it and then got up to get ready to go to the queens. Alice then took the baby, but it appeared to be more like a pig. The baby turned fully into a pig and went into the woods. Then the Cheshire cat appeared and Alice asked him for directions. The cat pointed her towards the March hare, but also told her where the mad hatter lived. When she asked why he was mad he said :Were all mad here, even you."

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