Sunday, April 10, 2016

Reading Diary: Week 11: English Fairy Tales

Tom Tit Tot
A woman made 5 pies and asked her daughter to set them on the shelf so the crusts would soften, but the daughter ate all five pies instead. When the mother found out she sang about how she at all five pies in one day. The king was walking by and heard this women and asked what she was singing. The mother embarrassed said that she was singing about how her daughter made five skiens in one day. The king said he was going to marry her and give her everything she wants for 11 months and one month of the year she has to make five skiens a day. When the time came for her to make the skeins, a little black thing with a twirling tail told her that he would make them for her. All she had to do is guess his name correctly and she got 3 guesses a night for that whole month. Every night she guessed incorrect, but on her final guess she guess it correctly.
The Rose Tree
There once was a little boy and little girl who had a wicked step-mother. The step mother hated the little girl and killed her. She made stew with her organs and fed it to the father, the little boy refused to eat it. He went out and put the little girls body in a box and buried it under the rose bush. The rose bush bloomed a bird perched upon it and sang a song. Everyone in the town thought this was a beautiful song and gave the little bird any thing it asked for in exchange for it singing the song. It got a mile stone and went back to the house of the wicked step mother. The bird tricked her into coming outside and when she did, the bird dropped the stone on her and killed her.
The Old Woman and her Pig 
An old women bought a little piggy and on her way home the pig would jump over the stile. She started with asking the dog to bite the pig to so he would just over the stile and the dog refused, so it started a whole line of favors that needed to be done so the pig would jump over the stile and the old woman could go home that night. Finally they were able to get everything worked out and she made it home.

There once was two sisters who were daughters of the king. Sir Prince William fell in love with the older sister, but then when he saw the younger sister fell in love with her and left the older one. The older sister was so upset she drowned the younger once and let her float down a stream. A miller found the sister, but she had drowned. A harper made a harp out of the woman's chest bone and hair and brought it to the castle to play. The harper left the harp in the hallway and it started singing on its own about how her sister killed her, then it broke and never sang again,
Mouse and Mouser 
The mouse was having a conversation with a cat who was spinning and they were just talking about their days. The cat then ate the mouse
Cap o'Rushes
The king who had three daughter sent one away because he thought she didn't love him because she said she loved him like meat loves salt. She then became the maid to another family and the masters son fell in love with her. He gave her a ring and she cooked with it and gave it to him so he found out who she was. They were married and the girl invited her father, even though she hadn't yet revealed herself to anyone. The the wedding meal was saltless meat and when the father ate it he realized how much she loved him.
The Story Of The Three Little Pigs 
There were three little pigs and the first pig built a house of straw. A big wolf came and blew it down and ate the pig. The second one made his go furze and the same thing happened. The third was very cleaver and made his of bring, and the wolf couldn't blow it down. The continuously tried to trick the pig but was defeated each time.
The Master and His Pupil 
There was a magical book that had everything about religion in it and it belonged to the master. One day when the master left the pupil tried to conjure up a spirit but couldn't. He saw the master left the book out and conjured a spirit and told him to water a flower. The demon didn't stop water the flower and almost drowned the boy but the master came home just in time..

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