Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Reading Diary: Week 11: Alice in Wonderland Continued

A Mad Tea Party 
Alice walked up to a table where the hatter and the march hare were sitting. She sat down with them and they went back and forth for a while, then the hatter asked a riddle, "Why is a raven like a writing-desk?" They often got off subject, bust Alice still wondered about this riddle. This riddle didn't have an answer and Alice was upset and told the hatter not to waste time on riddles with no answers. The Hatter then asked Alice what she knows about time, and told the story of how he became mad. Then the doormouse started telling a story about three girls who lived at the bottom of a well. Alice started asking a lot of questions. The dormouse didn't like all her interruptions and Alice didn't like that his story didn't make any sense. She realized that this tea party was too confusing and frustrating for her so she left.
The Queens Croquet- Ground
Alice walked up to the queens garden where she saw three gardeners painting roses. She walked up right as a procession was going on with all the soldiers and guests to play croquet, and of course the queen. When they queen saw Alice she asked who she was and who the gardens were. When they queen faint out the gardeners planted the wrong color rose bush she said "off with their heads," but alice hid them, so they lived. The queen invited Alice to play croquet. The balls were hedgehogs and the clubs were flamingoes. Alice found this game very difficult, also because there was no order and everyone was just fighting for a hedgehog ball. She would hear the queen shot "Off with their head," very often. Soon enough she saw the grin of the Cheshire Cat. Alice and the cat started talking, and the king came up and asked who Alice was talking to. The cat refused to kiss the kings and and so the queen sentenced him to be beheaded, but the cat was just a head. There was an argument about if you could behead something that doesn't have a body.
Who Stole the Tarts?
Alice was sitting in on a courtroom case against The Knave of Hearts, because he stole tarts from the queen. The first witness was the Mad Hatter. The courtroom was a mess and a lot of things that happened didn't make sense. The were reading off witnesses and then the white rabbit yelled out the name "Alice!"
Alice's Evidence 
Alice accidentally disrupted the jury when she was walking up to the stand, because she had been growing so much in size. When she was asked what she knew about the case she said "Nothing," because she honest knew nothing. There was an unsigned letter in the court that everyone thought was from the Knave. This letter had some verses in it that didn't make too much sense, so alice and the king went back and forth about if this was evidence or not. Alice then because very furious and because of her large size she started yelling at the queen saying she's nothing but a deck of cards. The cards then started flying all around her and she tried swatting them away. She then woke up in her sisters lap and told her about her curious dream.

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