Thursday, April 21, 2016

Reading Diary: Week 13: Crane Continued

The Six Swans 
A king was hunting and got lost in the woods. An old women told him she would help him if he married her daughter. The king had 7 kids from a previous marriage and he was worried the new step mother would treat them nicely. He his them away in a castle, but the new wife found them. She turned the 6 boys into swans, but the one girl remained human and she set out to look for her brothers. She found them and they said that the only way to free them was to sew asher shirts and her life wouldn't be spared. She decided to do it and set out into the woods, where the kings huntsmen found her and brought her to the king. She didn't speak, but the king married her. The kings mother committed a crime and blamed the girl. She was sentence to death, but her swan brothers came to save her.
King Thrushbeard
There was a king who had a daughter who didn't want to marry anyone and ridiculed anyone who tried. She told one boy his chin looked like a thrush's chin and then thy all called him King Thrushbeard. She was then married off to a peasant. They passed a bunch of nice things and the girl asked who they belonged to. Her new husband said King Thrushbeard.
The Three Spinsters
There was a lazy girl who wouldn't spin and so her mother beat her and the queen heard. The queen asked why she was beating her daughter and she said that her daughter wouldn't stop spinning. The queen said she liked the sound of spinning and took her with her. The queen said she could marry her oldest son. The girl then found three spinsters to do her work for her in exchange for invitations to the wedding.
Snow White
The queen wanted a daughter as white as snow, lips red as blood and hair dark as the black frame. The queen had such a daughter, but then died. The king took a new wife, who wanted to be the fairest of them all. Snow White became more beautiful than the new queen, so she hired a huntsman to take her out to the woods and kill her. He didn't have the heart to do it so he set her free, thinking wild animals would get her. She then found a house with food and beds so she went inside.

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