Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Reading Diary: Week 12: Through the Looking Glass

Looking Glass House 
Alice is sitting on the roof of the looking glass house when it suddenly melts and she fall inside. She looks to see if there is a fire and then sits by the chess set. The chess men and women can not see Alice or hear her. She helps the queen and king and it scares them a bit. She then finds a poem about a Jabberwocky and tries to understand it.
Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee 
Alice came across Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and started having a conversation with them. They told her when you first greet someone to shake their hands and they both put out their hands. She didn't want to offend either one so she grabbed both hands and they all started dancing. Then they asked if she liked Poetry and started reading a poem.
The Walrus and The Carpenter
A walrus and a carpenter were walking along a beach and they asked a lot of little oysters to join them. After the long walk the walrus and carpenter ate all the oysters.
Tweede Dum and Tweedle Dee
They all went to go see the Red King sleeping. The twins said he was dreaming about Alice and she's not real. If she were to wake the Red King then she would vanish. She thought this was ridiculous. Then they saw an old/ new rattle in the woods. This made the twins freak out and they said they have to prepare for battle. They grabbed a bunch of materials from the woods and told alice to fasten the stuff to them like armor. Then right before the battle a large black crow came.
Humpty Dumpty 
Alice went up to humpty dumpty, but he was a little weird and didn't talk directly to her for a while. She asked him if he wanted to get off the wall, but he told her no he would never fall. He said if he did the king would and Alice interrupted him and said "send all the kinds horses and men?" He thought she had been spying because there was no other way for her to know that. They spent a while talking about their ages. Then Alice complimented him on his belt, but because he was an egg she could distinct waist from neck and embarrassed herself.

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