Thursday, April 28, 2016

Reading Diary: Week 14: Grimm Librivox

The Queen Bee
Two brothers went out into the world and could not make it, so their other brother, who was a dwarf went searching for him. The dwarf brother told the boys to not harm living things like ants, ducks and bees. They came across a castle that a king had tests to see who could find all the pearls and if they couldn't before sun down they were turned into stone. The two older brothers couldn't do it and were turned into stone, but the dwarf did it with help from the ants, ducks and bees. The dwarf married the youngest sister and became king.
The Twelve Huntsman 
The king was dying and asked his only son to marry some girl who he didn't like and he was already married. His first wife got eleven girls to dress up like huntsman and prove they were men. The wife at the end revealed herself and the king couldn't continue to be married to his new wife.
Jorinda and Jorindel 
There was a fairy who lived in a castle and any man who stepped on her property's frozen solid in his steps and the fairy had to release him after he promised to never come back, but each maiden was turned into a bird and kept in a cage in her castle, Jorinda and Jorindel were walking and got caught in the fairy's land and were put under the spell. When Jorindal was freed he found a purple flower that set everyone free of their enchantment.
The Fox and The Horse 
There was a horse who had gotten too old and was no longer helpful to the farmer, so he sent him away and told him not to come back until he was as strong as a lion. The horse went away and found a fox that said he would help him. The fox told a lion there was a dead horse to eat and one thing led to another and the horse dragged the lion all the way back to his masters house. The horse lived there until he died. 
The Twelve Dances Princesses 
The King twelve daughters left every night to go dancing, but the king didn't know where. The king said whoever finds out where they go can marry a princess and be the next heir. Many tried and failed but a soldier had an invisible cloak and had help from an old lady and found out what the did. They travelled to a lake where twelve princes in boats took them to an underground castle and they danced all night until their shoes were worn. The soldier told the king and the king let him marry his oldest daughter. 
The Turnip
There were two soldiers and one decided he wanted to be a gardener. The one gardener grew the most marvelous turnip. He gave it to the king who in return heave him many riches. The brother was very jealous and knew if he gave gold and jewels to the king he would receive the turnip so he did. After this he decided to kill his brother, so he put him in a sack and tied him to a tree. 
The Willow Wren and the Bear 
The bear and wold were walking through the forest and saw the most beautiful bird and the bear wanted to see the real palace of the willow wrens. The bear finally saw the palace and it was just a nest and he insulted the babies. The willow wren proclaimed that there would be a war. The bear gathered all the land creatures and the wren gathered all the air creatures. The Wren won the battle. 

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