Friday, April 15, 2016

Storytelling: Week 12: Had A Great Fall

Alice and Humpty Dumpty sat on the edge of the wall and talked all afternoon. They talked about what Alice was going to do when she became queen and how she wasn't going to act like the Red or White Queen. Humpty was very fond of the royal family so he didn't like Alice talking so poorly about them.
"The royal family has taken care of me and my kind every since the beginning of Wonderland. They understand that us egg folk are very fragile and have always promised to send ALL the kings horses and ALL the kings men if we ever do crack or break," said Humpty.

"I understand they try to help, but what if you fall and break and ALL the kings horses and ALL the kings men are unable to put you back together again?" said Alice, knowing about the nursery rhyme.

Humpty was very angry when Alice said this, he stood up, on the very thin wall and was now about eye level with her. He gave her a mean look and started yelling,
"THAT IS PREPOSTEROUS! Do not ever doubt the kings horses and men, there is no doubt they will be able to put me back together again!"

"Please sit down, Humpty. You are losing your balance and I don't want to find out today if they can or not," said Alice.

"WELL I DO!" shouted Humpty as he jumped off the wall, right onto his head. He shattered, but was still alive. He told Alice to call for the kings horses and men, but before she could even open her mouth she saw a stampede of people coming towards them. They gathered up all of Humpty Dumpty's parts and and put them in a wheel barrow. They hurried back to the castle and Alice followed.

When she got there ALL the kings men were in one room with Humpty's parts all played out on a table. They were all just looking at him like it was the hardest puzzle they have ever seen. Alice saw the confused looks on their faces so she tried to figure out how to put him back together in her head. She figured it out, but waited to see if the kings men could also. She sat and she waited for hour and hours, but nobody moved a muscle. Finally one of the men said in defeat "Even though we have ALL the kings horses and ALL the kings men, I think we are unable to put him back together again."
Alice prompts pushed all the men aside and in minutes fixed Humpty and he was so happy. He hugged Alice and told he was sorry about doubting her.

1 comment:

  1. This was such a cute little story! I'm impressed that Alice was so smart that she could put them back together. I'm disappointed in how silly Humpty was by putting his life in danger like that though! I guess sometimes friends can help us out more than ALL the strangers in the world! Keep up the great work like this great little story!
