Thursday, April 7, 2016

Storytelling Week 11: The Day I Grew... and Shrank.

I had a very curious day the other day, but it started out like any other. I woke up and started getting ready for the day. I went into the kitchen to get some breakfast and I saw that my roommate made some muffins. They were banana blueberry, which are my favorite. There was a little sign next to them that said "eat me," which I thought was a cute, silly way for me to know that my roommate made them for everyone. I took a huge bite and suddenly started shrinking. It felt like i was falling so I closed my eyes, but when I opened them I was standing next to my muffin on the counter about five inches tall.
I obviously started freaking out, looking around in disbelief. I then fell into the sink down the drain, knowing that the blades from the garbage disposal were gunna catch my fall and that would be the end of me, but they didn't. I just kept falling down and down. The fall seemed like it lasted ten minutes, then suddenly, thump, I hit the ground.
I looked around and I was on campus, in the flower beds of the north oval. I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost time for my first class of the day. I had many tardies in this class, so the logical thing to do was to try and get there on time, even if I was five inches tall so I started my LONG walk to class.
Everything was so different and scary. People didn't even notice me on the ground. I almost got stepped on hundreds of times, but that wasn't the scariest part. One of the campus's squirrels came right up to me and stood on his back legs, making him almost triple my height. He looked at me and tilted his head to one side like he was trying to figure out what I was. I was so scared and yelled out "Don't eat me, please," and to my surprise he responded "Ew, gross. Why would I want to eat you?"
I looked at him so shocked and he asked me what I was doing and why I was so small. I told him that I honestly don't know why I was so small, and I was just trying to get to class. He said "There is a fountain on the other side of campus that will make you grow back to normal size, would you like me to take you there before class?" I looked at him in disbelief, but at this point I was willing to try anything, so I hopped on him like he was horse and held on to his fur really tight.

He started running and all I could think about was what a funny sight this would be if someone were just to look down for a few seconds. When we got to the fountain, I had to think for a second if I really wanted to grow back to normal size. First, because squirrel travel was so much fun and second because five inch people didn't have to take tests, or go to work, or have too much responsibility. Then I almost got sat on, so I thought it would be best to go back to being human size.
I jumped into the fountain and started taking a few gulps, trying not to think about how gross it was. Nothing happened, so I took a few more sips and I started growing.
I was two foot, then five foot, then seven foot, then ten foot, and I didn't stop growing. Up and up I went until I was the size of the clocktower. It as so embarrassing and everyone was looking at me. I couldn't blame them though, I would stare if there was a giant on my campus too. I tried to run away, but I couldn't get around all the buildings and I tripped. I started to fall, and like the first one it seemed like i was falling forever. I could see all people I was about to crush, so I closed my eyes and BOOM. I hit the ground and it was cushiony. I opened my eyes and I was in my bed, regular size. I must have just been a crazy dream.
I got up and started getting ready for the day (again), and went into the kitchen. On the counter I saw banana blueberry muffins, so I immediately turned around went back into my bedroom and shut the door.

Authors Notes: I got the idea for this story from Alice In Wonderland. Throughout the whole story she is shrinking and growing, which causes a lot of problems. I thought about what if that happened to people everyday? What if it happened to me? I honestly wouldn't even think about going to class, but hopefully I would find a squirrel pal to help me through my adventures. It does turn out to be a dream, which was great because I honestly don't know how I would cope with the embarrassment of being 30 feet tall.


  1. Haha, this was making me laugh. First of all, I love Alice and Wonderland, and I did the reading from Through the Looking Glass this week as well.

    I really want a banana blueberry muffin now! I don’t think I’ve ever had one! But I love banana bread and lately I’ve had this craving for a blueberry muffin…

    Do you realize how smelly it would be to fall down your sink drain? Ew.

    I love the squirrel-riding! That would be so much fun! And the line where she ponders staying small and says, “but then I almost got sat on, so I decided being human-sized would be better.” That was great. 

  2. How scary would that be to eat something then all the sudden you noticed yourself shrinking to 5 inches tall?! And the fact that he had to walk to class on campus is so dangerous! The south oval is a dangerous place for a 5-inch person. I love how the talking squirrel was so sweet and wanted to help him! However, growing to be as tall as a skyscraper is scary too! Loved this story! Great job!

  3. I loved this story! I think the picture makes it even better, with the squirrel looking like its actually saying something. I can't even imagine if something like this story actually came true haha. It is one of those things that definitely makes you think "what if." I like the ending where it says she saw a banana blueberry muffin and turned right around and back to her room. I thought that was a good ending to the story. Now you have me craving a blueberry muffin. I have never had a BANANA blueberry muffin but eat blueberry muffins often.

  4. Cassandra,
    I like that you retold Alice in Wonderland from the perspective of a regular OU student. It made it relatable and you could finally understand jus show absurd it was that she was constantly growing and shrinking as you mentioned in the authors notes. It was cute that you incorporated the campus squirrel helping out the main character. I always knew there was a reason i liked those squirrels.
