Friday, April 22, 2016

Storytelling: Week 13: Dear Abby

This is a entry from the column "Dear Abby" in the Crane Daily Newspaper. 

Dear Abby, 
My name is Ashenputtel and I am having some family problems. First off my name isn't even Ashenputtel, that's just what my step-family calls me because they make me do all the maids work in the house so I am always dirty and am covered in ashes. But lets reside for a littlest and start from the very beginning, the best times of my life. 
I was born into the most wonderful family with a loving mother and father. We lived in a beautiful big house and my father loved to spoil me and my mother with presents, even though we told him that his love and protection was enough. I always asked for books, so me and mother could read them together. My mother taught me everything and I loved her so much, but she got sick. She was very sick and near to death and I remember the last words she spoke to me, "Be pious and good, and God will always take care of you and I will look down upon you from heaven and be with you." 
After a while my father married another woman, who had two awful daughters. Like I said before they make me do all the maids work, and they don't treat me like I was a human. They even make me sleep on the floor. 
My father often went to the market and he liked to bring gifts back to all of us. When he asked what we wanted my step-sisters always asked for jewelry, but all I wanted was a seed. I wanted the seed so I could plant a tree next to my mothers grave. In no time there was a beautiful big tree that I would often sit under and read, like me and my mother used to do together. 

One day I thought all my bad luck would change, when we got invitations to go to the princes ball. I thought I was finally going to have a fun night, but my step mother mad me do outrageous and somewhat impossible chores before I could go. With the help of some friends I was able to finish all the chores, but my step-mother told me I still couldn't go. She told me I wouldn't be allowed to get in because I didn't have nice enough clothing and she ripped up the dress I worked months on making. 
I ran crying to my mothers grave and sat under the tree, when suddenly it seemed like dust or pollen or something falling from the tree. Next thing I knew I was in the most extravagant dress and slippers of silk and silver. 
You wouldn't believe it, but when I arrived the prince came directly up to me and we started dancing. He stayed with me all night and asked to come see where I lived, but I was able to get away before he could follow me. I also made it home before my entire family. 
I was able to go to the ball the next two night and every night the prince danced with me and it was amazing, but I couldn't let him know who I really was or he wouldn't want to marry me. The third day  I lost my silver slipper. I think he made the stairs sticky so he would be able to find me from my shoe. He was going around the whole town having girls try on this slipper to see if it fits them. When my step-sisters and stop-mom heard this they immediately locked me in a closet, because I think they had suspicions I was the mystery girl from the ball. I am writing from the closet right now and hopefully will get out soon. 
The prince and all his servants just arrived to our house and I can hear my sisters squealing and screaming. They all just came into this room and I heard my step-mother tell her daughters to cut off her toes to fir into the shoe. It didn't seem like there was any hesitation, because I heard a little scream of pain and then they all went down stairs. I have no idea what to do right now. I am going to give this to my animal friends to give to you. Please write back as soon as you can with advice. 
Thank you Abby. 

Authors Notes: The story Ashenputtel from the Brothers Grimm, is the story that Cinderella came from, which I am sure you all figured out. There are some differences than Disney's version. The tree that was planted by her mothers grave is like Cinderella's fairy god mother. There were 3 days of this festival and the prince did make the stairs sticky so she would lose her shoe. Of course Disney wouldn't put in that her step sister cut off their toes and heel to be able to fit into the shoe, because it is a little dark, but pretty interesting. 
At the end of the story she gets out of the closet and the prince finds her and the shoe fits perfectly. **gasp** They get married and live happily ever after. 

1 comment:

  1. I could definitely tell this “Dear Abby” letter was some sort of spinoff of Cinderella! It is so interesting reading all of the Brothers Grimm stories that we are all familiar with because of Disney, and then seeing the stark differences in the original plots. I like that she is writing from her closet and sends the letter with her animal friends! This reminds me of Cinderella’s friendship with those mice and birds in the Disney movie.
