Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Reading Diary: Week 13: Crane

The Fisherman and his Wife
There was a fisherman and his wive who lived in a hovel and the fisherman went out and fished everyday. This certain day he caught a fish, and the fish spoke to him. He said he was an enchanted prince and asked him not to eat him. The fisherman let him go. When he told his wife he said he should've mad a wish, a wish they lived in a cottage. The fisherman went back and wished for a cottage and got it. After a while his wife wasn't pleased and wanted something bigger.
There was a family with one daughter, but the mother was sick and she passed away, but told her daughter that she would always be with her. Her father got remarrried to a women who had two horrible daughters who would always boss Aschenputtel around. Aschenputtel plated a tree by her mothers grave. There was a big ball and the prince invited all the young ladies in hopes he would find a wife. Aschenputtels step mother did not let her go. She cried under this tree and the tree shook and gave her a beautiful gown and she attended the ball. The prince fell in love with her and asked to see where she lives, but she escaped him before he could see. She did the same thing the next day. on the third day she was dressed in a beautiful gown and golden slippers. She accidentally left a golden slipper and he went to all the girls in the town to try on the shoe. The sisters cut their feet to fir the shoe, but the prince knew they cut themselves. Aschenputtel tried on the shoe and it fit her perfectly. The prince took her away and married her.
The Robber Bridegroom 
There was a young girl who was forced to marry a boy she didn't love. He asked her to go to his house and she did. When she got there a bird told her that evil things happened in the house and she should turn away, but she didn't. She looked through the house, but it was empty. There was one old lady in the room and she said the people who live in the house are cannibals and are going to eat her, but they would escape at night. The girl then saw the men drug a girl and chop her up, but they cut off her finger and it fell into the girls lap. The next day at the wedding the party asked the bride to share a story and she told of that night the girl was chopped up and eaten. She showed the party the finger and the girls bridegroom turned white and he was condemned and executed.  

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