Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Reading Diary: Week 14: Grimm Librivox

The Frog Prince
There was a princess who loved to play with her golden ball and she was playing with it by a spring. She accidentally dropped it in the water and she started crying. A frog appeared and said he would get it for her if he brought him home and let him eat and sleep with her. She agreed, but didn't have any intention in following through with it, but he showed up at her window each night. The third night he stayed over he transformed into a man.
A man and his wife lived next to an entranress who had the most delicious looking plants in her garden and the women had to try them..  The entrantress agreed if they gave her the first child born and they agreed and repunzel was locking in a tower. When the enchantress wanted to see the child she told her to let down her hair. The kings son heard her singing and ha to meet her. He did and visited her often. The enchantress found out nd cut Repunzells hair and she was pregnant with 2 children. The prince went up to get Repunzel and the enchantress blinded him. He then wandered around blind and then heard Repunzels singing and she cried into his eyes and he was healed.

The Straw, The Coal and The Bean 
Out of three groups one coal, one straw and one bean escaped from the rest. They were running away but he straw caught on fire and broke, and the coal fell into water. The bean thought this was funny and laughed until he bursted. A tailor that was walking by seed him back together and thats why beans have a black seem.
The Traveling Musician
A donkey who was too old and about to be put down by his owner decided to run away and become a musician. On the way he met a dog, a cat and a rooster who all joined him. They were trying to find a place to stay and they found a house that had a lot of room and a lot of food, but there were robbers in it. They scare the robbers away and took their house.
Clever Elsie
A girl with the name elsie was known to be very clever and a man Hans was willing to marry her if she were to really be as smart as everyone said. He came to dinner and they told Elsie to go get beer. She notices a pic ax that could fall and kill their future son and then Hans knew she was clever... I guess. He married her and they moved away.
Briar Rose
There was a queen who wished for a little girl and got her. She was blessed with many gifts, like being very beautiful and obedient. She accidentally fell into a deep sleep after pricking her finger on a spindle. This is the story of Sleeping beauty.

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